Your Bad Days are your Most Important Days
Humans are creatures of habit; especially so in our day-to-day behaviors. As to what we do each day or whether we "stick to the plan" is more so stress management (if we're discussing self-improvement). How do you respond when things get tough? When you can't stand it anymore and nothing seems to be better that day, do your habits become self-destructive? These are deep questions that are very personal and depending on the stage of change you are in, you may reject these thoughts entirely.
For example, you've decided to lose weight (yay!). However, today Tom at work said some condescending stuff for no reason and now you're pissed (oh no!). Going out to "reward" yourself with a big mac is the equivalent of me saying "I'm gonna reward myself today by shortening my life". Is this absolute, of course not! but if you have more bad days than good days, this is what your life looks like the majority of the time. If you feel like this is you, let's start asking the right questions. How do I reward myself without sabotaging my goals?
You're gonna have bad days. When times are hard, the behaviors that you stick to are the types of decisions that increase our longevity. Go for a walk, participate in an activity you love, or purchase a new hobby. In the same vain when you're in the gym and it's a bad day; You NEED to work hard. The gym is your opportunity to understand how you deal with stress. If the way you deal with stress is going easy on yourself; you will not know strength. Feeling physically bad is a reason to pump the breaks in the gym but that's not what we're discussing here. When we are at our toughest emotionally is when we can truly grow the most and learn what our limits truly are because the body is capable in the moment, but the mind is not willing. This is your opportunity to mentally reprogram how you view your obstacles; how far you take that, depends on health, longevity, and goals.
So go out and figure out how to make your bad days better than your previous good days. Because when you've got that; you'll know change.