Learn to cook, Seriously.
Clients that have the hardest time transitioning into a healthier lifestyles often don't cook. It's a reality I face day to day on questions like "Which meal service is the best" and "which supplement do I take to get more vegetables" or "How many protein shakes can I take a day instead of eating regular protein sources?".
Do you know what I see in common with all these questions? Instead of dealing with the root of the problem "I can't cook" ;what we have here is, "how do I do everything I can to not cook". Are there times where we have a limited amount of time and can't commit to cooking a full on meal, of course! But if you can't boil pasta or fry an egg there's no excuse and it's time to learn.
When you refuse to cook, you refuse to put your fate and goals into your own hands. You are trusting that every meal service is perfect in their labeling and cooking. You're trusting that the supplement you bought is 100% just as good as consuming the vegetables it's meant to replace. You're 100% trusting that the protein powder you're consuming is just as healthy as the chicken, beans, tofu, beef, eggs, soy.... you get my drift. You can't trust other people for your own personal success and taking personal accountability is the first step. These products and services are designed to assist someone who is busy.
Where do I start?
Cooking is like exercise, you suck at it to start. Face the reality of failure and fail upwards; pick something small like, master frying an egg and go from there. You should think of this as something you're gonna work on for years. Here's a simple one: How do I properly season a salad? Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil, Red Wine vinegar on your favorites greens. Start with seasoning your salads and you'll be making teriyaki bowls from scratch in your own kitchen in no time!