"Sitting is the new smoking" is a phrase I've now read in a few articles and heard in some circles. If you do any work in the movement field getting people off their butts is a daily struggle. I believe if someone reading this truly understood the impact over time, they would reconsider that decision. Let's hit some of the keynotes!
Chronic Illness
New studies show a correlation with the amount of time sitting with major inflammatory diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, dementia, and diabetes. Not only do we know this correlation, but we also know you can't just offset how much you sit with movement. The act of sitting itself is debilitating with a stat of 34% increased heart failure with excessive sitters vs. their standing or active counterparts when exercise was controlled. Much like getting adequate sleep; one cannot just "make up" for their bad habits.
Postural Related Problems
We're designed to walk and there's a reason so many studies are coming out now affirming that statement. If you have any problems related to sciatica, neck, or back pain; you should look at your sitting habits. Ninety percent more pressure is applied to your low back when sitting vs . standing.
It shortens your life-span
I think just based on the facts above you know we're talking about how long you will live. A study compared a group of individuals who sat 4 hours a day vs. their counterparts at 11 hours a day; The group that sat for 11 hours a day had an increased risk of dying by nearly 40% in only 3 years! There are going to be many more studies to come affirming the dangers of sitting. The solution for most folks for a much happier/healthier life is to move more and sit less; just make sure you move at your own pace.
For more info, I invite you to Click Here on the dangers of sitting longer term.