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Walking to Live Longer

Live 15-20 years Longer, Guaranteed?

How would you like to live 15-20 years longer? If I told you I could write you a workout program that can make you live 15 years longer would you buy it? Sounds appealing right?! In 2019 a study was done by the Mayo Clinic around walking and their were some conclusions drawn around "fast walking" in particular by seeing an increase of lifespan by 15-20 years. So I'm here to give you the skinny on this study and hopefully get you moving more.

So what is Fast Walking?

Walking that puts your heart rate at a rate of 60-90 percent of your max heart rate. This would require a heart rate monitor and a calculation of max heart rate. One would associate this heart rate with more-vigorous exercise.

How often and how long?

10,000 steps every day was the goal set by the study. It's of note that this target should be done incrementally. Perhaps as little as a 10 minute increased time walking every few days/weeks over proceeding weeks as we don't want an overuse injury.

So is it guaranteed I'll add 15-20 years to my life if I start fast walking?

People who walk more often are generally in better shape and therefore live on average 15-20 years longer than their counter parts. Is it their daily walking habits that put them in better shape than their peers or are generally more active people more likely to hit 10,000 steps? And this is where the study recognizes some of the problems with the conclusions and other variables come in.

What we do know is this goal seems to be a fairly decent standard and I've seen some other experts say higher in the 14,000 range. We also know that a more healthy active lifestyle is generally correlated with better mental mood as well. If we're not feeling so good; maybe it's time to step out and go for a walk?

Link to article on study:,20%20years%20to%20their%20lives.

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